Enter data

To be able to follow at best your fermentation, we advise you to enter the data as often as you can. Be careful, to measure the temperature, try and reach the centre of the mass without moving too much. You can enter several measurements for one time.

For the pH, you can measure at the surface by just stiring slightly to try and have an homogenous liquid.

The fields cannot be blank.

Fermentation chart

Extract a summary


My fermentation is over

I have a question, I want to contact technical support team (48h to answer)


End of the fermentation

Based on the data you entered (temperature and/or pH), we recommend you to

Stop the fermentation

However, if you have already used yeast and know which profile you will get with longer fermentation, please continue and enjoy your final cup !

Continue despite the recommendation


As with any coffee, to preserve its quality, the best way to dry it is slowly and not at too high temperatures.

If you are using a mechanical dryer, we recommend intermittent drying process. We recommend to avoid direct sunlight and to dry your coffee on suspended beds.

If you are in a rainy area, cover your coffee whenever it is raining to avoid mold propagation.

Stop the drying when your coffee has reached 12% of humidity.
